What affects our use of solar panels in an RV environment? First is heat.
Panels are tested and rated at 77 degrees. That’s the panel temperature itself, not the
air. Think about the top of your RV in full sun – the panels are much hotter
than that, and drop voltage because of the heat. They are also mounted about
an inch (or so) from your roof, so ventilation is not the best. Second, is
solar orientation. The angle of the sun changes seasonally. In the winter,
it is very low in the sky. You don’t generally use a sun tracker on an RV,
so your panels are not optimally oriented for full solar gain. In
fact, you may choose to never tilt your panels, leaving them flat on your
roof for convenience. Next, is shade. Are your panels partially shaded? Does
your air conditioner cast a shadow sometime during the day? Does your crank
up antenna? What about all the dust/dirt on the panel surface? Last, is
wiring. You are going to drop some voltage due to wire loss between the
panel and batteries. These considerations apply to all panel types.
So, how many panels do you need? You have an estimate of the total amp hours (or
watts) you use daily. To get a rough idea how much power a single panel produces, take its
“rating” (lets say 120 watts, or 7.1 amps) and multiply that by 5. This
assumes you are getting 5 hours of sun a day (optimal) and that your panels
really are producing at their rated output – neither of which will be true
most of the time. But it is good for estimating. Now divide this total
output of one panel into the number of watts or amps you consume daily. So, for
example, say I have older Kyocera 120 panels (120 watts, 7.1 amps Vmp). I’ll use amps to
figure the required panels. I know I use 100 amp hours a day (DC), from my
previous figuring. So 100 / (7.1x 5) = 100/35.5 = 3 panels (with rounding).
But, I know I leave my panels flat, and I know not every day is sunny so
I’ll use 4 panels. In my case, on my first RV with solar I started with 3 and added the fourth later,
after I was experienced with our use.When
looking for panels search the web. The prices vary, but compare panels by
the cost per watt. New panels and new models are always being introduced.
Make sure the company manufacturing the panels is one you feel will be
around for the duration of the warrantee. Panels do go bad from time to
time. The minimum warrantee on any panel worth considering should be 20
years. I prefer the panels available from Sun Electronics, Wholesale
Solar, or Northern Arizona Wind and Sun (see the
Equipment Recommendations section
for my current recommendations).
Also, I never mount panels with the intention to tilt them - and I do not
recommend that you tilt panels unless you have special circumstances. While
there is a great benefit to doing so in the winter most people have no business
routinely climbing on their RV roof, and there are issues with wind load
that need to be carefully addressed if you tilt. I have seen MANY panels
ripped from RVs in the desert SW when tilted. I would much prefer an extra
panel or use of an MPPT controller.
And consider this: do you want to be
going on your roof to lower your panels when a windstorm comes up?
Even assuming you are there? That is NOT the time to be on your roof!!
Techie Stuff You Need to Know
Solar panels are pretty simple in practice. Unlike lots of other areas,
unless you have the interest you really can choose to ignore the base
technology, how they work, and exploring the intricacies of panel design.
But you do need to understand "some" of the techie stuff in order to pick
panels, and to figure out if your energy needs are met.
Panels are all measured in watts, which is a measure of energy. DC or AC -
it does not matter. A Watt is a Watt. You can see that if you look at the
formula: watt = amps*volts. So whether the voltage is AC or DC - 100
watts is 100 watts.
Panels specifications are derived under "standard
test conditions" or STC. You will often see that in literature. STC is just
a certain set of parameters used during the measurements: light
conditions, heat, etc. The thing to understand about STC is that it is NOT
real world conditions, and you will infrequently, if ever, get the STC
ratings from a panel. So do not expect to get 100 watts out of a solar panel
rated at 100 watts very often.
Now for some random terms.
Vmp is voltage at maximum power. It is an important thing
to know about a solar panel. The Vmp can be used to determine if the panel
is a "high voltage panel". A typical 12 volt nominal panel will have a
Vmp af between 1 and 18 volts (or so). This is used with a PWM controller. A
high voltage panel will have a Vmp typically in the 28+ volt range. It is
used only with an MPPT controller, which is designed to handle the higher
Voc is voltage at open circuit. This
is exactly what it seems - the voltage measured when the panel is in the sun
and not hooked up to anything. This is what you should see when you test
your new panel with a voltmeter in good sun before you put it on the roof.
Near this, anyway, although it will not be exact. It is really not a figure
used for much except determining charge controller size.
Isc is the current from the panel under short circuit
conditions....eg. the max you could ever see from the panel. You use this
when you figure out wire sizes using the interactive voltage drop
calculators and when you figure out the breaker sizes required.
Imp is similar to Vmp, except
it is the current at maximum power when hooked up. It is less than Isc.
The above is a little more complicated than I've
expressed it here - but I'm aiming for a practical use of the terms.
There are nuances in the interrelationships of power and voltage that panels
produce. But for our purposes, the above should suffice.
Grid tie panels is a term used for panels intended to
feed power back into the electricity grid, and not to charge batteries.
There is no intermediate battery storage in a grid-tie application. These
are also called "high voltage panels" since they typically have a Vmp of
above 28 volts. In some cases significantly above that. Grid-tie panels are
typically rated above 225-245 watts, and there are plenty in the 300+
watt area. In RV application grid-tie panels are used with MPPT controllers.
These panels are physically larger since to get the 28+ volts they need more
solar cells in them (remember, each cell provides around half a volt).
Micro-inverters relate to grid tie
applications. A microinverter is a small inverter integrated with a solar
panel (typically). It converts that panels DC power to AC right at the panel
and then sends that power directly into the electric grid. Why would you
want to do this? Simplicity and efficiency, mainly. Since each
panel has its own inverter you do not have to have a larger central
inverter, or group of inverters, and issues affecting a panel do not affect
the entire string. Microinverters are not used in RV applications. I only
bring it up because you will hear the term and should understand the basics.
Remember, in grid-tie applications the array of panels is directly sending
energy through an inverter, which converts the DC to appropriate AC,
synchronizes the power to the grid, and sends it out on the grid.
Panel Warranties
Most panels carry a 20 or 25 year warranty. But read the fine print. Some
have "stepped" performance warranties, eg, so much output after 5, 10, 15
years. A continuous output warranty is better (vs. stepped). But in the end,
it boils down to price/watt vs. expected performance. One thing that
you should know - almost all grid-tie panels, and even many low voltage
panels, have wording in their warranty documentation that procludes use in a
"mobile" environment. Meaning RVs and boats. Panels have been widely
used in these applications for years, without issue. But it is important
that you know what you are getting, and are willing to take the (minimal)
risk. It will be hard to find high voltage panels that specifically allow
use in a mobile environment. I have no qualms about using them in that
application provided they are properly supported.
Panels and Shading
The conventional wisdom is that you never mount panels where they may be
shaded. Shading any portion of the panel means that the output drops to
virtually nothing. How much it drops depends on the panel technology used,
but for discussion purposes consider a partially shaded panel to produce no
output. And if wired in series to another panel the entire string of panels
is affected in a big way. This is one disadvantage to series-wired panels.
So what is a "partially shaded" panel? Any shading at all is what I
mean. Such as: a cellular antenna casting a shadow. An air conditioner next
the the panel casting a shadow. Or even the aluminum mounting angle casting
an edge shadow on the panel when the sun is low. All are shading a portion
of a cell(s). And all reduce the output to essentially nothing.
I'm now going to deviate from "conventional" solar
panel advice. If you have filled your roof with panels that never
get shade, are you finished? I would contend no! Mounting some
additional panels where they will be shaded "sometimes" may be a good
strategy to increase solar harvest. A panel mounted next to an AC unit that
receives shade only part of the day will still produce significant power
depending on the RV orientation and the sun angle. Likewise, a panel that
gets a shadow cast by a satellite TV antenna part of the day may still
produce significant power during the other part of the day. With the price
of panels running around $1/watt you can take some liberties with
mounting locations to maximize total energy harvest. But ONLY after mounting
panels where they are never shaded. One caution: do not wire "shaded" panels
in series with another panel. You will lose the output from both when any
portion of the two is shaded. So careful panel design and layout is
Panels on Smaller RV's
Smaller RVs
present special considerations because of lack of roof space. While you can
find grid-tie panels in the $1watt range, in most cases these will not be
suitable for smaller RVs. Grid-tie panels have dimensions of at least
32"x66", and are typically larger than this. Putting this size panel on a
smaller RV is generally either difficult or impossible.
In the case of smaller RVs you want to look for a
narrower panel. AM Solar sells some good narrow(er) panels that fit smaller
RVs better than the huge grid-tie panels. Both the GS100 and GS135 are quite
narrow. So look there - they are in the $2/watt range delivered to you.
Remember, the grid-tie panels you see advertised for $1/watt do not include
shipping. You really have to factor that in.
Boone ("Solar
Brian") also sells a low voltage 160 watt panel that is 59"x26". That
works well in tight spaces. His panels are available on ebay, and at the
time of this writing include shipping for $165. That is a very good price
for a shipped panel.
RVs have special design considerations that need addressing. Mounting
methods may vary because of roof curvature, MPPT controllers may be
problematic because of panel size and resultant Vmp, and finding unshaded
space is always an issue.
The Truth About Panels
Solar panels
are not going to output the watts in the rating sheets. In a typical RV
application there are a number of factors at work to prevent this.
They are not tracking the sun and are typically
flat on the roof.
The insolation (solar energy) is not near what
the STC assumes (standard test conditions used to rate the panel). Clouds and haze are typical culprits.
They are not operating at the temperatures in the
STC models. Often they are mounted without optimal airflow for cooling.
They get dirty. Mounting them with a slight tilt
is useful for self-flushing during rain. But they still get dirty.
They get shadowed because of improper mounting.
You are far better off putting on more watts of
panels than you think you need, even if you do not have optimal battery
storage for it. When calculating solar needs I typically figure on 4-5 hours
of sun and about 75-80% of the rated wattage for harvest.
I would go as far as to say that at current prices of
around $1/watt (plus shipping) that most people should just design to maximize the number of
panels on the roof. That is a generalization, and some larger coaches would
not want to do that. But for most people that works out well.
The other thing to bear in mind is that some of the
"huge" grid-tie panels are not really usable on RVs. They are simply too
large. The limits in most cases are around the 300 watt panels that run in
the 40"x65"+ area. Much larger than that and you start getting into issues
with most RVs. And, as discussed above, smaller RVs really have difficulty
using grid-tie panels.
Planning Your Layout
Planning on where the solar panels go is a critical
step in your design process. Do not overlook this step or delving into the
required details. "The devil is in the details" is an appropriate saying
that applies to this step. Knowing how much space you have, and where it is
can be the difference between a smooth install and a nightmare.
Where are your roof obstructions? Can you move things
around on the roof to generate more panel space?
Each RV is different, but here are some hints:
You can go over some objects on
the roof. Things like vents can be under panels without an issue.
Sometimes cutting a vent pipe down works, and sometimes you can replace
the top with a lower profile vent. Look at this vent (360
Siphon RV Fume Extractor). When going over the top of items think
through how you will access them. You will want panels mounted to tilt
in most cases.
You can move or eliminate batwing antennas. This
may be more work than you want to do, but it can free up quite a bit of
unshaded space.
You "can" go over top of skylights. This allows
light in, but keeps heat out for the most part, so offers some
additional benefit. You do have to be cognizant of the height of the
panel, though. Be aware that higher panels can catch tree limbs easier.
There is no real problem with wind, though, if properly mounted.
Attaching Panels to the

are many ways to attach panels to the roof. The bracket on the far left is by UniRac (at
the time of writing this, about $17 for 4 at Sun Electronics) and made to directly attach the
panel to the roof. This type of bracket is generally referred to as a "Z"
bracket. If you blow up the picture (click on it) you will see
that on the panel side it has a slot that allows easy attachment to existing
holes in the panel. If you mount it this way the only way to remove the
panel for service is to get under the edge of the panel to the screw, or
remove the portion on the roof. Both are difficult. It is much better to
attach some aluminum angle to the side of the panel with the L extending out
away from the panel. This provides an "extension" edge that you can then
mount the bracket to. This makes it easy to remove the panel if required,
without disturbing the roof portion of the bracket. Usually, I bond two
panels together with a continuous run of aluminum angle, then fasten each
side to the roof with two or three brackets (depending on the panel size).
Also very similar are the "smart feet" at RVSolarStore.com, and for self
sticking feet from the same source look at the "sticky feet". The sticky
feet come with VHB tape for mounting on fiberglass.
AM Solar has some very nice mounting systems. Take a look on their website
here. I prefer their mounts.
How you secure the brackets (or whatever
you use) to the roof depends on the RV roof construction. If you have a roof
that is fiberglass, with good lamination to its substrate, then you can
actually use adhesive to bond the legs to the roof. If you do this, you need
to use 3M 5200 fast cure adhesive. This is a high performance
polyurethane adhesive. It will hold any panel or set of panels to the roof
IF the surface roof material is properly bonded to the substrate. I've used
it on many installations with no issues. I recommend 3-4 brackets per side if
you have two panels bonded together. This gives you better surface area coverage. Most
people not familiar with high performing adhesives are nervous about this
method of attachment. If it makes you feel better, put ONE screw per leg on
just the windward (leading) edge of the panels.
The issue with using this attachment method on a rubber
roof is that the rubber is often not well-bonded to the plywood below. I
don't recommend just 5200 on a rubber roof. Generally, on a rubber roof I
use dicor caulk under the leg, 2-3 screws (at least #12 for the bigger thread size)
through the leg, and then Dicor caulk over the leg. Sometimes I cover the entire screw area of the leg with Eternabond
after the Dicor dries.
Try to mount the panels with a little tilt to
them. This makes them self cleaning. Rain water will help wash dust off
them. Plus, you do not want water sitting on your panels in a puddle. Most
RV roofs are sloped from the center to the edges so you will naturally get a
small tilt to the panels. The large
grid-tie panels are especially prone to a slight "droop" in the
middle. This collects water and dirt - something you do NOT want. With the
larger panels make sure you mount them so they self-wash.
Also, the larger grid-tie panels that tend
to droop in the middle may need some additional support. How you mount them
is installation-specific, but avoid letting them droop in the middle. People
are sometimes advised that "grid-tie panels cannot be used on RV's". That is
not true - but they do have to be properly supported. ANY panel in the 60"
length area needs support in the middle.