© 2002-2017 John Mayer. All rights reserved.
For reuse policy see Reuse Policy
In this section I describe various wiring techniques and
electrical designs. These generally conform to the national electrical code, but it is up to YOU
to determine their suitability to your situation. DO NOT take this as
electrical advice, only as possible design considerations. If you do not
understand basic residential wiring and 12-volt automotive wiring then
you should not undertake any of
these implementations without further help and advice. If in doubt be
sure to get help. Electricity is dangerous. The high amperage DC
electricity obtained from the large battery banks described here is
suitable for welding and can easily kill you. Do not underestimate the
danger involved in working with DC power!!
The information I present here is intended to get you
started - it is not intended to give you detailed designs that you can
implement directly! Every RV implementation is different, and will
require specific design goals to be addressed. However, most of the
major issues and considerations are discussed here. If you understand
most of what is presented here then you will likely end up with a good
system - even if you have someone else implement all or part of it.
the links below may take you to another page in a separate window. In
that case just close the window to return here.
In this
Introduction to Solar
Determining Your Needs
A Phased Approach
Why Many Systems Do
Not Work Well
The Golden Rules of RV Solar and Electric
Equipment Recommendations
Residential Refrigerators
AC Circuit Protection
Our Systems
(since 2000)
The following more detailed topics
are on individual pages:
Electrical System Schematics
Solar Panels
and Solar Controllers
Chargers, Converters
Batteries and
- Rooftop and Solar Controller Wiring
- Solar Array Wiring Considerations
- Cables and Battery Connections
- Hints on Cable Building
- Solder or Crimp?
- Batter to Inverter Wiring
- Interfacing to Your Loadcenter
- AC Wire Types
- Grounding
- Neutral Bonding
- Installing a Sub Panel
- Powering the Entire Loadcenter
- "Splitting" a 50-amphere Loadcenter
- Monitoring and Control
- Recommendations
Sample Solar and Electrical Systems
I'm assuming that you have a basic understanding of both 12-volt and
120-volt power. There are many excellent tutorials and books on both
subjects. I won't repeat the information here, but leave it to you to
explore on your own if you don't understand the basics. For basic
12-volt electrical info, try
Mark Nemeth
Electrical Info which
is Mark Nemeth's article on 12-volt power. For wiring techniques and
parts check the
The Truck Electrical Center section of
this site. The
information there is oriented to upgrading an HDT truck, but is
generally applicable to RV's.
For an understanding of various RV and house connectors, and proper
wiring, check out
This will give you an understanding of basic RV electrical service, and
how it differs from residential electric.
If you have a basic understanding of AC/DC electricity then you should be
able to design a reasonable system following the recommendations in the
sections below. The system designs and components used are only examples,
and need to be modified to meet your needs. You need to complete the
entire design before you start implementation or you might find
your system unable to meet your future expansion needs.
For parts and design help from the
residential solar market try (first)
Northern Arizona Wind and Sun. They have an
excellent forum with true experts posting on it, and their store has
reasonable prices. Do not underestimate what you will learn from reading
their forum. Every time I go there I learn something new! After them try
http://www.backwoodssolar.com. I'm also willing to answer questions and
help in design if
you contact me directly - see the
About Us section
for our email address.
A complete implementation of anything but the smallest RV solar system, including an inverter, and
batteries (from scratch) can easily cost in excess of $3000, depending on
sizing and components selected. Time spent in the design phase is time well
invested. Mistakes can be expensive. If you have the system installed
instead of doing it yourself make sure you find a good installer. You want
someone who will charge by the hour - not a flat rate. You are more likely
to get a good job if the installer is not rushed, or losing money on the
work. Installers
If you need help with system design you can work with a single vendor for
most of your system components and they should be able to provide design
help. The best thing is to work with someone who understands the special
needs of RV's. Although for many years I did solar/electrical installations,
I no longer do installations. I still do designs.For installation,
one of my top choices in the West would be AM Solar (Greg Holder). Their business is RV
solar, they can supply almost all the required solar parts, their prices
(for the most part) are reasonable, and their preconfigured systems are
AM Solar.
They also install Lithium battery banks, onsite.
Brian Boone used to work for Discount Solar in
Quartzsite, and now has his own mobile installation business. I've not
personally worked with him, but based on what I've seen I'd recommend him.
You may contact him via his blog:
In the Yuma area
Starlight Solar has a good reputation. I never worked with them directly
but have observed their systems, and like what I have seen - especially in
the last 3-5 years. Starlight is a provider of Lithium battery banks, and
they also ship them.
If interested in an installed Lithium battery
system, then Starlight and AM Solar are the two I would look at.
John Palmer (Palmer Energy Systems,
Palmer Energy) also
specializes in RV solar systems. In the East that is who I would use - he is located in
Mayo, Florida.
"Handy Bob" (Bob
Shearer), like me, used to do RV installs. He no longer does them, but his
blog is still an interesting read. We agree on most
installation issues and techniques - although he is generally more opposed
to generators than I am. One thing we do agree on, and always have - there
are really a lot of bad solar installations out there. It is very difficult
to find a good installer - although in my opinion things have improved in
the last ten years.
As far as
installers in Quartzsite go, I find it hard to recommend any of them. If I
had to use one I'd use Discount Solar. But frankly, if you
are in Quartzite it is simple to go down to Yuma and talk to Larry and
Debbie at Starlight Solar, or if Brian Boone is working in Quartzite then
use him. Brian spends part of the winter there.
My presentation on RV Solar and
Electrical from the 2016 HDT Rally can be found
HERE. This is a pdf file stored in Google Drive. If you have issues
accessing it email me and I'll fix you up. If you use this presentation you don't need the
previous years ones.
Introduction to Solar
The ability to dry camp, or boondock, is inherently part of the capabilities
of all RV's. The amount of time one can live effectively "off-grid" is
dependent on your water storage capabilities, and the size of your battery
bank (or how much you want to run your generator). Most RV manufacturers do
not provide advanced boondocking technology as a standard part of their
RV's, so you are usually limited to 2-4 days without hookups. Enhancing the
standard RV's capabilities can allow you to live indefinitely without
So what do you need to effectively live off grid indefinitely? The heart of
your system is the battery bank. You will need enough battery capacity to
supply your energy needs. That means translating some of the DC battery
power to AC, so it can be used by your normal RV appliances. You do this
with an inverter.
Next, you need a way to replenish the battery power you use. That can be
either a generator in combination with a modern battery charger, or solar
panels in combination with a solar controller. Or a little of both, which is
what many people use. Solar is really an option here. You can live
effectively off grid with just a generator, a proper charger and a
reasonably sized battery bank; but
for long term use you will find it most convenient to combine this with some
solar panels.
You also need a way to monitor the status of the system. Without monitoring
the system you will not know how much energy is available for use, or when
to use the generator to help recharge the battery bank. If the battery bank
is the "heart" of your electrical system, then the monitors are the "brains". You need them both.
To live effectively off grid you also need a way to remove waste water,
restore fresh water, and efficiently heat the RV (when required). These last
three items are not covered here. This article concentrates on
energy-related items.
Side Note: typically a "blue boy" is used to remove waste water, either
gravity fed or in combination with a macerator pump. The simplest way to
restore fresh water is with a plastic water bladder (check Camping World for
a nice 45 gallon one that works well). The bladder folds down to a very
small size when not in use. Heat is efficiently supplied with a catalytic
or "blue flame" heater. This uses no power to run, saving your battery power for better uses
than running the furnace. It is also nearly 100% efficient in its use of propane.
Your furnace is only about 60-70% efficient. For more on these topics see
Boondocking Made Easier.
I've tried to convey what to look for in each of the areas covered.
I have made some specific recommendations, you should not assume that these
are the best available choices at the time you read this. Electrical and
solar components change fast. Manufacturers continually upgrade their
products, and introduce new products. The intent of the information provided
here is to help you to identify and select the products that will work for your
particular implementation. There are many tradeoffs that need to be made
when implementing an alternative energy system for your RV. There is no
"right answer" in many of the areas - it is a personal choice with tradeoffs
only you can make. The sample systems work well together and should satisfy
the needs they are sized for, but they are only samples and there may be
better components at the time you read this. You should
assume that the recommendations here are my personal preferences - there may
be (and are) other valid choices in equipment.
Determining Your Needs
First, you need to be realistic with your expectations. If you expect to
install a solar system and use power just as you did when hooked to shore
power, then you will be disappointed. Despite what some may tell you, living
with an alternative energy system in an RV requires conservation. This is
because, unlike off-grid home applications, most RV's cannot store enough
batteries to allow a large enough system for unregulated energy consumption.
You need to learn to minimize use of high-power-consumption devices,
supplement your existing RV systems with more efficient devices (such as
using a catalytic heater instead of your RV furnace, which uses great
amounts of 12-volt power), and monitor your energy use so you know when you
are in trouble. Running out of power when you really need it is not fun.
Killing your battery bank because you drew it down too far is even less fun
- batteries are expensive.
You also need to examine your motivations for wanting solar.
Solar use,
and living "off-grid", is a
lifestyle decision. Adding an effective solar system to an RV will rarely
pay back the costs of installing it. Nor will you recoup your investment
when selling the rig. The best (and really only) reason to add solar is so
you have the option of boondocking for long periods of time without hookups.
If you do not enjoy doing this, then you should reflect on why you want to
install a solar system. One or two days of boondocking between sessions of
hooking up to shore power does not require solar, and its auxiliary
systems. You can get by for a couple of days on a reasonable size battery
bank. If you need 120-volt power, consider adding an inverter/charger. If
you then find you need to recharge the batteries without shore power, you
can consider adding a generator - either a small portable one, like a Honda
2000, or a genset that is permanently installed. If you have a motor home,
you likely have a genset already and probably even an inverter. Notice, there is no solar system here. You
really don't need one if you are just overnighting occasionally.
Need to run your air conditioning? Well, a solar system is not going to help
you here. It is not realistic to expect to run an air conditioner on a
battery bank. You need a properly sized generator to run air conditioning
"off-grid". (Note: small window units and "mini-split" AC systems could be run for short periods of time
off a large battery bank, but from a practical view, this is just not
feasible for long periods. Large residential solar systems can have air
conditioners run off them - but we are focusing on RV systems here.)
OK, so you like to boondock for long periods of time. You've decided that
you can afford to invest $3000+ dollars to make your life more pleasant when
boondocking. How big of a system do you need? Only you can answer that. You
need to examine your lifestyle while boondocking (or your anticipated
lifestyle - you don't actually have to boondock) and figure out how much
power you use. Figuring out power usage while connected to shore power won't
give you your answer, because you are using lots of electric devices you
won't use when you boondock. For example: electric hot water heater,
RV refrigerator on electric, battery chargers plugged in, converter on, lots of
lights on, cooking turkeys in the microwave (just kidding).
A side note on system cost. Some would argue that $3K is way too
high, and that you can implement a system for far less. While this is
true if you implement a very small system, a complete system that will
run most of the major items in your RV, and has the convenience of
remote panels and a whole-house inverter/charger is going to cost in
this ballpark and up.
So, how do you figure your power use? Think about what you have to use and
add it all up. You can figure in watts, or in amphours. Watts is probably
easier, but ultimately you will need to convert to amphours so I suggest you do
your figuring in amps to start with. Look on the electric plate on the
various devices and it will tell you what the device uses power-wise. Add
them all up for the amount of time you run them. Don't count any 120-volt
lights, because you will only use 12-volt lighting while boondocking.
Remember, you can figure watts by knowing the voltage and the amperage that
the device is rated at - both are on the electrical plate (and if you are
lucky, the wattage is there) watts=volts x amps. Sometimes electric plates
on devices list ratings as xxVA (e.g. 40 VA) - this is watts (VA means Volts
x Amps; actually there is a little more involved with VA because it accounts
for power factor, but we will ignore all that for this discussion).
Here are the magic formulas that you learned in high school physics class and
forgot after your test.
watts=amps x volts
And for some shortcuts: if you know the AC amps just multiply by ten.
Four amps AC is 40 amps DC.
When you work with solar it is best to figure everything in DC
voltage, because your battery bank is DC - that usually means converting all your AC
measurements to DC. In electrical stuff, watts is the universal measure. If
you have a watt rating on a 12-volt appliance, it can be directly added to
the watt rating of a 120-volt appliance to get the total watts consumed.
Amperage ratings have to be converted, based on the voltage. Sounds
complicated, but some simple math will allow you to get the total DC amps
consumed from your battery.
Here are some 12 volt examples: 2 - 20 watt lights for 4 hrs= 40 x 4 = 160
watts, refrigerator 2 watts for 24 hrs = 48 watts. Now you have to
figure your 120-volt loads: hairdryer 1500 watts for 12 minutes = 300 watts. Microwave
1000 watts x 5 minutes = 83 watts. So all total we have
(160+48+300+83) 591 watts in a 24 hour period. To convert to amps, divide
by 12 or 120 - whichever voltage you are figuring for. We
did not count TV, satellite receiver, etc. You need to add up everything.
Why did we count the refrigerator in our example when it is running on
propane? Because, even when on propane, the refrigerator uses 12-volt power
for its control circuits.
With an estimation of the number of watts you use on a daily basis you can
calculate how many panels you need to supply that, and estimate how long you
will have to run your generator to fill the "gap", if generator use is part
of your energy strategy. Don't forget to add in "phantom" loads. For most
smaller RV's, these average around 2-3 amps DC (per hour). (Note: larger
motorhomes and large 5ers can have a phantom load of 12-18 amps DC per hour, depending
on the RV.) These are loads that
occur when it seems everything is "off". They come from battery chargers,
electronic boards in your propane appliances, propane and CO alarms, etc.
You also need to factor in the inefficiencies of converting/using power.
There is energy lost when inverting, and energy lost in wire runs. The rule
of thumb is 30% lost when inverting, and 20% lost in direct 12-volt battery
use. It generally will not be more than this - it may actually be less,
depending on your system.
Don't get obsessed with figuring exactly what you need. Just get close and
then usage will allow you to adjust. As a rule of thumb, the average RVer
uses between 75 and 125 amphours of DC per "cycle" (partial day and overnight).
Remember, when you are using power during the day (while charging) your
instrumentation is not giving you a true count because power is being
supplied while you are using it. The nice thing about a properly designed
solar system is that you can easily expand it by adding panels (as long as
you buy a large enough solar controller initially, and wire everything for
future expansion). For an excellent
discussion of sizing your system take a look at Mac McClellan's website
System Sizing. Throughout the discussion here I'll continually "harp" on
building for future expansion. It costs little additional when you
design/build the initial system, and is lots of additional expense later if
you do not do it.
If you are
not sure you will boondock a lot, or are overwhelmed by all that is required
to implement a complete system for extended boondocking, consider using a
phased approach. This will allow you to implement portions of the complete
system, evaluate your use and needs, and then expand your system if you find
it is beneficial to you. Here is my recommended approach:
- Batteries. First I would augment my battery bank by upgrading to
at least two 6-volt batteries. (I am assuming you have the typical RV with
one 12-volt battery.) This should be able to be done to any RV without too
much trouble. It will double the time you can boondock, and the 6-volt
batteries will generally perform better than most 12-volt batteries. See the
battery section for recommendations. Cost - $150+.
- Battery Monitor. Next, I would add a battery monitor -
one with cumulative amp hours. This will tell you how much battery capacity
is left, and will let you know when the bank is properly recharged. There is
no other effective way to accomplish this that is convenient. Expect to pay around $160-$180 for a
Trimetric RV2025 or RV 2030 with shunt.
You will learn more about your use of power with the battery monitor than
any other
way. The single most important instrument in your RV is the battery monitor.- Charging. You need a way to recharge your battery bank.
It may be that you don't boondock long enough that you deplete the bank -
but if you do you need a way to charge. Typically this is a generator of
some sort. If you have a motorhome you probably have one already. If not,
look at the portable Honda's and Yamaha's in the 2000 watt range. They will
not run an air conditioner, but they will very effectively recharge a
battery bank and run a microwave. If you use your converter as the charging
look into a charge wizard or upgraded charging capability for your
converter. Most older converters (pre 2005) do not have an effective battery
charger in them. Switching out converters is covered more at the end of the
Inverter/Charger section.
You will want a high output battery charger to take advantage of your
- Inverter. At this point you should have some experience
boondocking and know what size inverter you need. Either you will need a
large one to run the microwave, or you can get by with a smaller one that
just runs your TV and other occasional small appliances. If you start with
the small one and decide to add a larger one later you could use the small
one for just your entertainment center, or you can sell it. Most people who
boondock for longer periods will want an inverter of some sort.
- Solar. If you boondock enough, and for long enough, you will
eventually want to add solar to avoid running the generator. Solar is
relatively expensive but has come down in price in recent years. Expect to
pay about $1.00 to $1.20 per watt with shipping, although you can find
panels in the sub- $1 range.
Back to Page Contents
Why Many Solar Systems
Do Not Work Well
Many people complain that their systems do not provide them the time
off-grid that they expected. I've been designing and installing systems
since 2000, and I routinely hear these complaints. Almost
always when you evaluate these systems it is an installation issue. Very
few systems installed by RV manufacturers are done in an optimal fashion.
Even dedicated "solar installers" often do not match
correctly or configure the system optimally. That is one reason I
encourage people to implement their own systems, where they have the
desire and the minimal necessary skills. Even if you do not do the
installation yourself, designing the system will teach you enough to
ensure a good installation by others.
The common problems/issues I encounter are:
- The system is under-wired. The wire run from the solar panels to
the controller, and then on to the battery bank, is sized too small.
It should never be less than #6 cable, and I use #4 routinely on
12-volt nominal systems.
Manufacturers commonly use #10. That is way too small for all but
the smallest system. The only exceptions to this are with
higher-voltage systems (more on that later). USE the wiring tables or
online calculators to
determine the correct size wire, and then go a little heavier. The
wire size is not an "opinion" - it is simple physics. Use the
calculators. High voltage systems can use smaller wire than 12-volt
nominal systems - determined by the wire calculators.
- The solar panels are shaded at certain
times of the day. Why an installer would place panels where they
KNOW they will get shaded is a mystery. But it is not that uncommon.
Even the shadow of the shaft of a TV antenna can kill the output of a panel. You want NO
SHADOWS. More on this later....
- The solar controller is too far from the battery bank. Put it as
close as practical - but not in the same compartment. Do not use a
controller that has an in-built display and place it in the RV so
you can read it, instead use a controller with a remote display capability.
Separately calculate the wire size needed from the controller at max
output to the battery bank - this will likely be heavier than what
is required from the panels to the controller.
- The solar and charger settings are not optimal. On flooded cell
batteries the absorption setpoint (the bulk charge rate) should be
14.8 volts UNLESS your battery manufacturer says otherwise. (Only
pay attention to the battery manufacturer. Installers and even
controller manufacturers will routinely provide you with bad
information.) The
default settings for wet-cell batteries in almost all
controllers/chargers is 14.4-14.6 volts. That is not adequate to get
a good charge on the bank. The other common issue is that the controller does not allow enough time
during the absorption phase of the charge. Thus, the bank never
approaches a "proper" charge.
- Battery temperature sensors are not employed. To get a proper
charge, both the inverter/charger and the solar controller should
have a battery temperature sensor placed on the battery bank. The
charge voltage varies depending on battery bank temperatures. It is
difficult to get a good charge without the temperature sensors. If
the inverter or solar controller offers a voltage sense line then
that should be used as well.
- Batteries are not checked and equalized when they should be. You
need to check the battery bank water levels at least monthly until
you learn your system. You need to check the batteries with a
hydrometer at least two times a year and equalize if required.
- Battery terminals are dirty and/or loose. You would not think
this would be that common, but it is.
- There is no instrumentation that records cumulative amphours
drawn from the battery bank. Without this information it is
difficult to evaluate the current battery condition. As a result,
many battery banks are drawn down too far and their life is
unnecessarily shortened.
The Golden Rules of RV Solar and
This is a summary. Details are covered in the
following sections. These are my opinions based on experience and
education - you certainly do not
have to follow these guidelines. But if you do, you will have a
successful system if properly implemented.
- Use high
voltage (over 28 volts) on any but the smallest systems (small:
under 400 watts)
- Optimal input voltages for most
MPPT controllers outputting to a 12-volt battery bank is in the 30-50
volt range.
- Price panels
on a per-watt basis. There is not much difference in panels unless
you have special needs.
- Use
serial/parallel connection to get higher voltage, when required.
Panels must be matched.
Solar Controller
- Use an MPPT
controller; high voltage; boost in the 10%+ range is realistic;
price differential over PWM is not that great these days and for a
larger system it allows many benefits ("larger system" = around
500-600+ watts)
- Controller
must allow adjustable voltage and charge times
- Position
close to the battery bank
- Make SURE
the wire size to the batteries is correct. It will be bigger than
what comes from the roof in most cases.
- Temperature
compensation is NOT an option - use it. If a voltage sense line is
available, use that too.
- Fuses/breakers on input/output
- Balance the
system; have enough batteries for the amount of watts of panels you
have (you can have more, but having less is wasteful)
- Rule of
thumb: 1 amp of storage for each watt of solar panel.
- Flooded cell
batteries charge at 14.8 volts NOT at 14.4/14.6 volts that you
commonly see
- Wire correctly: large enough
wires, +/- connections on diagonal corners, equal length wire runs.
batteries have
advantages, but cost much more
- Solar alone
often will NOT bring a bank up to "full" state of charge because
the system is continually in use. But if properly designed it can.
- Use a
battery monitor with a remote display (like a Trimetric, Link, or
Magnum BMK)
- With flooded
cell batteries check specific gravity at least every 6 months.
Equalize if required.
- A desulfator
"may" be helpful. Reports vary in RV use.
- Wiring is
critical. Never less than 2/0 and usually 4/0. READ the manual - there
is no excuse to use a lighter wire than the manufacturer requires.
- Short
distance to the batteries. NEVER more than 10' max.
- Catastrophe
- Remote
display/control is important
- Do not use
too large an inverter for your needs. It is inefficient.
- Charge
section is critical if using AGM batteries. You want a LARGE charger
with AGMs.
- On flooded
cells properly set the charge amperage. C/20.
- Wire through
a subpanel. Wired in-line is OK for a 30-amp RV, but a subpanel is
preferred. Do not wire 50-amp in-line unless the inverter has a
50-amp rated transfer switch (which is no longer available).
- Temperature
compensation is NOT an option - use it.
- Build in
provisions for removing inverter for service or upgrading your RV -
AC wire length and junction box. If you have a converter leave it in
place but disconnected from shore power. This can be used if the
inverter/charger fails.
- Wire size is
CRITICAL. It is the single-most common issue with installations. Use
voltage/distance calculators. Then go heavier
Manufacturers almost never provide adequate wiring
- Wire for 2%
loss or less. I wire for 1% from the controller to the bank.
- Use quality
closed-end, coated lugs, and properly attach them; use dielectric
grease and adhesive heat shrink
- Fuse
before/after controller; catastrophe fuse at battery bank
- Use combiner
on roof; I prefer a breaker box on larger systems. With high voltage systems the
combiner can sometimes be in the main compartment and not on the
roof, but calculate the loss on the #10 wires from the panels to see
if this works.
- Use
distribution buss bar(s) near battery to tie loads together (if
- Do not attach loads between
shunt and battery.
Equipment Recommendations
I get asked often what I recommend,
and that changes over time. The industry is constantly developing new
products. What follows are my recommendations at the time I wrote this.
Make sure you check these against your own needs, and against current
technology. Although I try to keep this up to date, there is no
guarantee. If you see something new that you think is better, feel free
to write me about it, and why....
inverters. Also look at the BMK (battery monitor kit). Many
people prefer the Trimetricfor battery monitoring - as do I.
Morningstar solar controllers. Personally, I like the MPPT 60
and its ability to directly network to your router. For larger
MidNite Solar has the Classic 150 which allows more
panels to be used (otherwise you have to "stack" 60 amp
Solar panels:
Sun Electronics solar panels
(lots of choice and reasonable prices, look at some of the blemmed
products). AM Solar
always carries narrow-width panels that are pretty good. These narrow
panels are great on RV roofs where space is sometimes tight - in
general four fit across an RV roof, and a single panel fits next to an airconditioner. But
they generally are not cheap.
Wholesalesolar.com has very good prices on a
variety of panels. They "can" be cheaper than Sun, it just depends.
Look at them both. I like the SolarWorld panels available at
Wholesalesolar. USA made, excellent warranty, good efficiency and
priced reasonably.
MidNite Solar
breaker boxes, and combiner boxes. I like the ones with breakers in
them, but there are other methods of protection that do not use
breakers. AM Solar has a new combiner box that allows for larger
Bogart Engineering
Trimetric battery monitor RV2025 or RV 2030 is still my favorite. I
had a
Magnum BMK in my 2012 coach, and wished I had a Trimetric. My 2015
coach has a Trimetric TM-2030.
- Look at the Magnum mini-panels (MPP)
or the
MidNite Solar E-Panel if you are doing a higher cost
installation. They run about $600 but solve most of your wiring
issues in one UL approved box. On a higher-end implementation you
likely will be 75% of that with your own wiring. And there are
extra advantages to these boxes. The MidNite E-Panel is probably
best suited to most RV installations because of the dimensions (it
mounts the inverter on the front of the panel), but
in many cases neither of these will fit. This is for high-end
systems only...otherwise the cost is not justified. And they will
likely only fit in a 5th wheel installation - not in most motor
coaches (except bus conversions).
Residential Refrigerators
In the past few years I often get asked to design
solar/electric systems for RV's with residential refrigerators. Since the
late 2000's the energy efficiency of these refrigerators has improved
enough that it is possible to both boondock and have your
residential refrigerator. For avid boondockers having the electric
refrigerator is likely too much of a compromise unless you have a very
large solar/electrical system. But for people that do
not boondock for months on end, it is now a viable alternative with a
large solar system, or a combination of a medium system and an hour or
so of generator time a day. As always, your usage habits and the
compromises you are willing to make will factor into the decision to go
with a residential refrigerator.
A Norcold 1200 RV refrigerator (12 cubic feet)
uses about 40 AH of DC per day to run the control circuits, so they are not "free" of
power use. Residential refrigerators, in general add about 100 amp
hours (DC) to your electrical burden (per 24 hrs). So the difference is
about 60-80 AH. You need to replace both
that, and whatever else you use for power. There are things you can do
to minimize this usage some, but in general plan for around 100-110 Ah.
I have a
spreadsheet you can download with examples of generator runtime,
various refrigerators, and some of the other planning factors involved
with designing a system around a residential refrigerator. Take a look
at it and see if this direction meets your needs. If you have
suggestions or see errors in the spreadsheet let me know. Most of it has
been validated with actual in-use systems.
AC Circuit
revising your electrical system you should consider the addition of an
AC power management system. These provide protection from miswired
pedestals, high and low voltage conditions and surge suppression. They
have a remote display that shows you line loading (so you can figure out
exactly how much AC you are drawing on each leg of your box). It is best
to use models that are hardwired, instead of external surge
guards. Hardwired models are theft proof, and you won't forget to put
them out. The time you forget to plug it in will be the time you really
need it. They are available in 30-amp and 50-amp versions.
The Progressive
Industries model 40240 (50-amp model, $494) is available at Camping
World and other outlets. I highly recommend this capability - not only
do you know what is going on with your AC loads, but you are protecting
your coach AC system. From a design perspective, I prefer placing the
device directly "next to" the loadcenter if you are using a sub panel. If
wiring the inverter in-line then place the management system before the
inverter. This will offer protection to the inverter from surges and
In my opinion, EVERY RV should have an electrical
management system like the
Industries version with the remote panel.
Our Systems (since 2000)
On Our 2000 Newmar
Heart 458 modified sine wave inverter
installed as a whole RV system (30 amp coach).
Trace C60 PWM charge controller
5 x Kyocera 120 watt solar panels.
Link 1000 battery monitor
6 - Sam's Club golf cart batteries or 6
- Trojan T105's.
On Our 2001 Royals International
Heart 458 modified sine wave inverter
installed as a split panel system (50 amp coach).
Trace C60 PWM charge controller
5 x Kyocera 120 watt solar panels.
Link 1000 battery monitor
6 - Sam's Club golf cart batteries or 6
- Trojan T105's.
On Our 2010 New Horizons
Xantrex RS 3000 pure sine wave inverter/charger.
50-amp pass thru; wired to a subpanel. 150-amp charge section.
Xantrex XW 60-amp MPPT charge controller.
SCP networked to both the inverter and charge
controller. This provides complete control and monitoring of both
Trimetric 2025RV battery monitor.
4 - Sun Electronics Sun SV-T-205 HV panels. Wired as
a parallel array. These are the same as Evergreen Panels. They are not
UL listed, which gives a far cheaper price. Imp=7.36 A at Vmp=27.90V.
MC-4 connectors. The coach was originally set up by New Horizons for
these panels, but the panels were not installed at the factory.
AM Solar Large combiner box.
Midnite Solar "Baby Box" enclosure with 2 breakers to
isolate the solar controller input/outputs.
6 - Trojan T-105 6 volt
batteries (675 Ah rating). In retrospect going with 4 - L16RE
batteries would have given me 650 Ah and it is likely a better
battery. But the deal on the T105s was too good to pass up. I'd likely replace with the L16s.
5500 watt LP genset (moved to the 2012 coach).
On Our 2012 New Horizons
Magnum MS2812 pure sine wave inverter
charger. 2800 watts with a 125 ADC charge section. ME-RC remote
Magnum BMK battery monitor uses the same display
as the inverter.
Morningstar Tristar MPPT 60 solar charge
controller with remote panel.
4 - Sun Electronics Sun SV-T-205 HV panels. Wired as
a parallel array. These are the same as Evergreen Panels. They are
not UL listed, which gives a far cheaper price. Imp=7.36 A at Vmp=27.90V.
MC-4 connectors. Installed by New Horizons.
AM Solar Large combiner box.
Midnite Solar "Baby Box" enclosure with 2 breakers to
isolate the solar controller input/outputs.
Four 8D Lifeline AGM batteries for 1020 Amphours
of stored power. Half is usable.
5500 watt LP genset (moved to the 2015 coach).
On Our 2015 New Horizons
Magnum MS3012 pure sine wave hybrid
inverter. 3000 watts with a 125 ADC charge section. ME-ARC remote
Trimetric RV2030 battery monitor.
MidNite Solar Classic 150 MPPT solar charge
controller with remote panel and Ethernet connection to our router.
4 - Astrenergy 305 watt high voltage panels
for 1220 total watts. Wired parallel.
Home built combiner box.
6 - Fullriver L16 AGM batteries for 1200
total Ah.
5500 watt LP genset. This was moved to the
2012 unit from the 2010, and then moved to the 2015 unit.